Sam's Laser FAQ, Copyright © 1994-2003,
Samuel M. Goldwasser, All Rights Reserved.
I may be contacted via the
Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ
Email Links Page.
<==== Sam's Laser FAQ ====>

Comprehensive Table of Contents
Links to Every Chapter and Section
Version 6.70
Copyright © 1994-2002
Samuel M. Goldwasser
--- All Rights Reserved ---
For corrections/comments/suggestions, please contact me via the
Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ
Email Links Page.
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if both of the following conditions are satisfied:
- This notice is included in its entirety at the beginning.
- There is no charge except to cover the costs of copying.
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The Three Letter Abbreviations (TLAs) :-) on each link line below refer to the
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section. Chapters and the start of major sections are in bold face;
others are in normal type and their links are indented.
Welcome Page, Expanded ToC, Comprehensive ToC
Sam's Laser FAQ Main Table of Contents
- FAQ: Foreword - How Sam's Laser FAQ evolved into what it is today and other tid-bits.
- FAQ: Preface - Author & copyright, DISCLAIMER, acknowledgements, request.
- FAQ: Introduction - Scope, purpose, and organization of this document, related information.
- FAQ: What is a Laser and How Does It Work? - The laser age, principles, types, on-line tutorial, lasers as a hobby.
- SAF: Laser Safety - Hazards to vision, other issues, 100 W light bulb versus 1 mW laser, safety classifications, links.
- IOI: Items of Interest - Laser power meters, Fabry-Perot and DFB types, wavelengths, speckle, collimation, etc.
- LIA: Laser Instruments and Applications - Rangefinders, interferometers, gyros, light shows, laser TV, Fourier optics.
- EXP: Laser Experiments and Projects - Basic to advanced including diffraction, interference, holography, display, more.
- LIR: Laser Information Resources - Books, magazines, collections, patents; Web newsgroups, lists, forums, links.
- LPS: Laser and Parts Sources - Walk-in, mail order, high quality, surplus, component and system manufacturers.
- DIO: Diode Lasers - Basic considerations, visible and IR (e.g., from CD player) types, testing, visibility, collimation.
- DPS: Diode Laser Power Supplies - Drive requirements, modulation, sample circuits for low and high power devices.
- HEN: Helium-Neon Lasers - Theory (simple), operation, sealed tube structure, characteristics, power requirements.
- HTR: HeNe Laser Testing, Adjustment, Repair - Problems, testing, mirror alignment, collimation, polarization, refilling.
- HPS: HeNe Laser Power Supplies - Requirements, types, plug-n-lase, matching tube to PS, testing, problems, repair.
- HPD: HeNe Laser Power Supply Design - AC line powered, low voltage inverters, starters, regulators, modulators.
- HSC: Complete HeNe Laser Power Supply Schematics - Includes 25 AC line and 17 inverter types, most you can build.
- ARG: Argon/Krypton Ion Lasers - General features and characteristics, basic power requirements, specific examples.
- ATR: Ar/Kr Ion Laser Testing, Maintenance, Repair - Tube life, problems, testing, general maintenance, alignment.
- APS: Ar/Kr Ion Laser Power Supplies - Basic requirements, types, specific safety issues, testing, problems, repair.
- APD: Ar/Kr Ion Laser Power Supply Design - AC line front-ends, igniters, linear and switchmode regulators, protection.
- ASC: Complete Ar/Kr Ion Laser Power Supply Schematics - Both linear and switching types using common parts.
- CO2: Carbon Dioxide Lasers - Characteristics and requirements, applications, small sealed tubes, gas fill, optics.
- HEC: Helium-Cadmium Lasers - Characteristics, power supplies, HeCd laser head and PSU troubleshooting.
- SSL: Solid State Lasers - Characteristics, types, pulsed/CW, Q-switching, frequency changing, common SS lasers.
- STR: SS Laser Testing, Adjustment, Repair - Cleaning, cooling, alignment, tuning, beam quality and energy.
- SPS: SS Laser Power Supplies - Capacitor chargers, PFNs, PSUs using photoflash units, sources for special parts.
- SSC: Complete SS Laser Power Supply Schematics - Circuits for the Hughes ruby and YAG lasers, uYAG, more.
- CON: Amateur Laser Construction - Resources, safety, the home laser lab, supplies, vacuums, glass working, more.
- CVA: Vacuum Technology for Home-Built Gas Lasers - Vacuum basics, pumps, gauges, components, testing, repair.
- CLP: The Home-Built Laser Assembly and Power Supply - Structure, optics, mirror mounts, electrical components.
- CLT: Home-Built Laser Types, Information, and Links - Introduction to laser descriptions and "Light and its Uses".
- CHN: Home-Built Helium-Neon (HeNe) Laser - Much like the original gas laser from 1962 produces a red beam.
- CAR: Home-Built Pulsed Argon and/or Krypton (Ar/Kr) Ion Laser - A similar gas laser produces multiple color beam.
- CC2: Home-Built Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Laser - High power (10 to 50 W or more) flowing gas infra-red laser.
- CN2: Home-Built Nitrogen (N2) Laser - Pulsed ultraviolet laser that is easy to construct without fancy equipment.
- CHG: Home-Built Helium-Mercury (HeHg) and Other He-Metal-Vapor Lasers - Operation at multiple visible wavelengths.
- CCB: Home-Built Copper Chloride (CuCl) and Copper Bromide (CuBr) Laser - Pulsed intense yellow and green beam.
- CDY: Home-Built Dye Laser - Generate almost any color of the spectrum depending on which chemical dye is used.
- CMG: Home-Built Pulsed Multiple Gas (PMG) Laser - Simple design uses O2, Xe, Ar, Kr, or Ne; maybe even plain air.
- CPS: Home-Built Pulsed Solid State (PSS) Laser - Basic ruby or Nd:YAG laser system using flashlamp pumping.
- CDS: Home-Built Diode Pumped Solid State (DPSS) Laser - Vanadate with KTP SHG for 1 mW to 5 W green output.
Preface, Introduction, What is a Laser?, Laser Safety
Laser Safety
Items of Interest
- IOI: Introduction to Items of Interest
- IOI: Brief Glossary of Common Laser Terms
- IOI: International System of Units (SI) Prefixes
- IOI: Web Site With Some Common Optical Calculations
- IOI: Laser Power, Photons, How Much Light?, Beam Profile
- IOI: About Laser Power Ratings
- IOI: What is a Lumen, Lux, Nit, Candela?
- IOI: Conservation of Radiance
- IOI: So How Many Photons are Coming Out of My Laser?
- IOI: How Much Light Does a 5 W Laser Really Produce?
- IOI: How Dim a Laser Can be Seen by the Naked Eye?
- IOI: Laser Powered LEDs
- IOI: Pressure of Light
- IOI: Measuring the Beam Profile
- IOI: Photographing Laser Beams
- IOI: Laser Beam Power Inside and Outside the Laser
- IOI: Laser Power Meters
- IOI: What Makes a Laser Power Meter So Expensive?
- IOI: Types of Semiconductor Light Sensors
- IOI: Thermal Laser Power and Energy Meters
- IOI: Measuring Power of Short Pulses
- IOI: Sam's Super Cheap and Dirty Laser Power Meter (SG-PM0)
- IOI: Sam's Laser Power Meter 1 (SG-PM1)
- IOI: Sam's Laser Power Meter 2 (SG-PM2)
- IOI: Simple Laser Power Meter Using Photocell
- IOI: Comments on Home-Built Laser Power Meters
- IOI: Coherent Lasercheck Hand-Held Laser Power Meter
- IOI: Coherent FieldMaster Laser Power and Energy Meter
- IOI: Newport Model 820 Laser Power Meter
- IOI: Sensor for a UDT Instruments Model 351 Power Meter
- IOI: Scientech Thermal Laser Power and Energy Meters
- IOI: Simple Thermal Laser Power Meters
- IOI: About Those IR Indicator Cards
- IOI: Extending the Range of a Laser Power Meter
- IOI: Gain, Stability, Efficiency, Life, FB versus DFB Laser
- IOI: Factors Affecting Laser Resonator Performance
- IOI: Common Laser Resonator Configurations
- IOI: Resonator Gain and Losses
- IOI: Resonator Stability
- IOI: Cavity Length Versus TEM00 Power
- IOI: Q Factor and Finesse of a Laser Resonator
- IOI: Laser System Efficiency
- IOI: Laser System Life
- IOI: Difference between Fabry-Perot and DFB lasers
- IOI: Ring Lasers
- IOI: What is Spatial Hole Burning?
- IOI: How to Determine Possible Lasing Wavelengths of a Laser Cavity
- IOI: Determining which Spectral Lines will Lase
- IOI: Changes to Spectra When Lasing is Present
- IOI: The Single Pass Gain Test
- IOI: Performing the Single Pass Gain Test
- IOI: Pulsed/Average Power, Q-Switching, Ultra-Short Pulse Lasers
- IOI: Average Power from Pulsed Laser
- IOI: What is Q-Switching?
- IOI: Ultra-Short Pulse Lasers
- IOI: Air Breakdown
- IOI: Laser Optics
- IOI: Mirrors used for Lasers and Laser Applications
- IOI: Estimating Dielectric Mirror Spectral Reflectivity
- IOI: Adjustable Laser Mirror Mounts
- IOI: Mirrors for Ultra-Short Pulses
- IOI: Radioactive Laser Mirrors?
- IOI: What is a Brewster Window?
- IOI: George's Comments on Brewster Windows
- IOI: Index of Refraction and Brewster Angles for Various Materials
- IOI: Polarizing Materials and Optics
- IOI: What is a Waveplate?
- IOI: What is an Etalon?
- IOI: Perpendicular Uncoated Windows in a Low Gain Laser
- IOI: Why Laser Optics Collect Loads of Dust
- IOI: Variable Reflectance, Peak Wavelength, or Attenuation Using Dielectric Mirrors
- IOI: Comments on Optics for CW and Pulsed Lasers
- IOI: Laser Wavelengths
- IOI: Wavelengths of Some Common Lasers
- IOI: Dye Laser Dyes and Peak Emission Wavelengths
- IOI: What Determines the Wavelength of a Laser?
- IOI: Determining the Wavelength of a Laser
- IOI: Spectral Differences Based on Isotope
- IOI: Wavelength versus Frequency
- IOI: Laser Visibility and Color
- IOI: Relative Visibility of Light at Various Wavelengths
- IOI: Comments on Beam Visibility
- IOI: Color Versus Wavelength
- IOI: Matching RGB Values to Wavelength
- IOI: Comments on Various Color Lasers
- IOI: Laser Beam Spectral and Other Effects
- IOI: Fluorescence in Common Materials
- IOI: Laser Light Reflects as Different Color(s)
- IOI: Laser Darkens Luminous Sign?
- IOI: The Bursting Balloon Inside a Balloon Trick
- IOI: Speckle, Coherence, Stability, Polarization, Noise
- IOI: What is Laser Speckle?
- IOI: Laser Speckle from Laser Pointer and Candle?
- IOI: Controlling Laser Speckle
- IOI: Reducing Laser Speckle in an Imaging System
- IOI: Comments on Spatial and Temporal Coherence
- IOI: Determining Coherence Length
- IOI: Testing a Laser for Single Frequency Operation
- IOI: Laser Instability
- IOI: Polarization
- IOI: Amplitude Noise
- IOI: Beam Collimation, Divergence, Focus
- IOI: How the Beam Diameter Varies with Distance
- IOI: Rayleigh Length
- IOI: What is M-Square (M2)?
- IOI: Modifying or Improving Collimation
- IOI: Problems with Laser Beam Divergence or Focus
- IOI: More on Laser Collimation and Focus
- IOI: Some Rules-of-Thumb for Spot Size and Divergence
- IOI: Coupling a Laser Beam into an Optical Fiber
- IOI: Laser Beam Profiles, Cleanup
- IOI: About Gaussian Beam Profiles
- IOI: Forcing a Laser to Produce a TEM00 Beam
- IOI: Possible Causes of Interference Patterns in Laser Beam
- IOI: Laser Beam Cleanup - the Spatial Filter
- IOI: More on Spatial Filters
- IOI: Laser Beam Splitting and Combining
- IOI: Splitting a Multiline Beam into its Individual Colors
- IOI: Combining Light from Multiple Lasers
- IOI: Diffraction Gratings, Pattern Generation
- IOI: Diffraction Gratings
- IOI: Use of a CD, CDROM, CD-R, or DVD Disc as a Diffraction Grating
- IOI: Ken's CD and Other Diffractions Grating Tricks
- IOI: What About the Diffraction Grating in Optical Pickups?
- IOI: Cleaning Diffraction Gratings
- IOI: Generating Lines or Crosses of Light
- IOI: Projecting a 1-D or 2-D Grid of Dots or Lines
- IOI: Diffractive Pattern Generating Optics
- IOI: Additional Comments on Diffractive Pattern Generating Optics and DOEs in General
- IOI: Pattern Generation Using Conventional Optics
- IOI: Modulation and Deflection
- IOI: Acousto-Optic Modulators and Deflectors
- IOI: Testing a Surplus AOM
- IOI: Is There a Laser with Full Spectrum Wavelength Modulation?
- IOI: Full Color Modulation - The PCAOM
- IOI: Kerr Cell, Pockel's Cell, and Photo-Elastic Modulators
- IOI: Inexpensive Compact Piezo Modulator
- IOI: Spatial Light Modulators
- IOI: Comments on Mechanical Deflection
- IOI: Comments on High Speed Line and Raster Scanning
- IOI: Other Types of Lasers and Related Devices
- IOI: What About All Those Other Types of Lasers?
- IOI: How to Tell if It is a Laser?
- IOI: Whatever Happened to Masers?
- IOI: Excimer Lasers
- IOI: X-Ray Lasers
- IOI: Free Electron Lasers
- IOI: Optical Parametric Oscillators
- IOI: TEA HeNe or Ion Lasers?
- IOI: Titanium:Sapphire Lasers
- IOI: Raman Lasers
- IOI: Alkali Lasers
- IOI: Laser Myths and Fantasies
- IOI: Introduction to Laser Myths and Fantasies
- IOI: Some Common Myths of High Energy Weapons
- IOI: The Light Saber
- IOI: Laser Humor
- IOI: Introduction to Laser Humor
- IOI: The Ultimate Laser Pen
- IOI: Advertising using a Laser - On the Moon
- IOI: How Much Optical Power to Zap a Balloon or Bug?
- IOI: Phaser Quality Control
- IOI: Killing Flies (or Other Things) the Hard Way
- IOI: The High Tech Fly Immobilizer
- IOI: The Laser Physicist's Dictionary
- IOI: So You Think You Want to be an Optical (or Laser) Engineer
- IOI: How's This for a Useless Patent?
- IOI: Strange and Weird Things to do with a Laser
- IOI: What's in a Name?
- IOI: Tea Laser
- IOI: Victorian Nitrogen Laser
- IOI: Lasers in Movies
- IOI: Assorted Photos and Cartoons
Laser Based Instruments and Applications
Laser Experiments and Projects
Laser Information Resources
Laser Parts Sources
- LPS: Where to Find Laser Equipment and Parts
- LPS: Sources for Everything from $5 Laser Diodes to $100,000 C02 Laser Welders
- LPS: Locating Laser Specifications
- LPS: Buyer Beware for Laser Purchases
- LPS: Some Tips for Sellers
- LPS: Packing Laser Equipment to Withstand Drunk 900 Pound Gorillas During Shipping
- LPS: Comments on Shipping/Export of Small Lasers
- LPS: New, Surplus, Walk-In, Mail Order, Kits/Plans (Commercial)
- LPS: Walk-In/Mail Order
- LPS: Mail Order - Lasers, Laser Parts, Optics, Accessories
- LPS: Mail Order - Electronics Surplus, Some Lasers - Varies from Month to Month
- LPS: Mail Order - Electronic Components
- LPS: Electronic, Optics, and Laser Project Plans, Parts, Kits, Specialized Components
- LPS: High Quality New and Surplus
- LPS: Scrap and Salvage
- LPS: How to Get a Laser Without Really Trying - Part 1
- LPS: How to Get a Laser Without Really Trying - Part 2
- LPS: On-Line Sources (Non-Commercial)
- LPS: You Don't Have to Buy from Companies
- LPS: Newsgroups and Similar Forums
- LPS: Internet Classifieds
- LPS: Sam's Stuff for Sale or Trade and Items Wanted
- LPS: Auctions
- LPS: Laser Sales and Service Companies
- LPS: Laser Diode Manufacturers, Part Numbers, and Specifications
- LPS: Laser and Optics Manufacturers and Suppliers
Diode Lasers
- DIO: Basic Characteristics, Structure, Safety, Common Types
- DIO: Introduction to Diode Lasers and Laser Diodes
- DIO: Examples of Common Laser Diodes
- DIO: Differences Between LEDs and Laser Diodes
- DIO: Comparisons of Diode Lasers with Other Types of Lasers
- DIO: Diode Laser Safety
- DIO: Typical Laser Diodes
- DIO: Laser Diode Construction
- DIO: Interpreting Laser Diode Specifications
- DIO: What About High Power Visible Laser Diodes?
- DIO: And Those Really High Power Laser Diodes?
- DIO: And Those High Power Pulsed Laser Diodes?
- DIO: Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser Diodes (VCSELs)
- DIO: Optically Pumped Semiconductor Laser (OPSL)
- DIO: Laser Diode Light Bulbs?
- DIO: On-line Introductions to Diode Lasers
- DIO: Additional Laser Diode Information
- DIO: Beam Characteristics, Correction, Comparison with Other Lasers, Noise
- DIO: Beam Characteristics of Laser Diodes
- DIO: Measuring Laser Diode Beam Characteristics
- DIO: Correcting for Unwanted Laser Diode Beam Characteristics
- DIO: Laser Diodes with Built-In Beam Correction
- DIO: Coherence Length of Laser Diodes
- DIO: Coherence Time of Laser Diodes
- DIO: Temperature Dependence on Laser Diodes
- DIO: Comments on Laser Diode Noise and Suppression
- DIO: Diode Laser Modules and Laser Pointers
- DIO: Alternatives to Using Raw Laser Diodes
- DIO: A Brief History of the Laser Pointer
- DIO: Laser Pointer Specifications
- DIO: Equivalent Brightness Ratings and Laser Pointer Visibility
- DIO: What's Inside a Laser Pointer?
- DIO: Laser Pointers that Produce Multiple Patterns
- DIO: Orange, Yellow, and Green Light from Red Laser Pointer?
- DIO: Green (or Other Color) Laser Pointers
- DIO: Additional Precautions with Respect to Green DPSS Laser Pointers
- DIO: Comments on Souped Up Laser Pointers for Buyers and Sellers
- DIO: The Benefits of Cheap Laser Pointers for Modulation
- DIO: Difference Between Diode Laser Modules and Laser Pointers
- DIO: Sources for Inexpensive Diode Laser Modules
- DIO: How to Determine if You Have a Diode Laser Module
- DIO: Brightest Laser Pointer for Outdoor Use?
- DIO: Can I Boost the Power Output of a Laser Pointer or Diode Laser Module?
- DIO: What About Using Rechargeable Batteries in a Laser Pointer?
- DIO: Can I Increase the Life of a Laser Pointer?
- DIO: Electrical Modulation of a Laser Pointer or Diode Laser Module
- DIO: Optical Modulation of a Laser Pointer or Diode Laser Module
- DIO: Causes of Laser Pointer Output Power Changing When Directed at a Mirror
- DIO: Disassembling a Laser Pointer
- DIO: Problems with Really Cheap Laser Pointers
- DIO: Can a Fried Laser Pointer or Diode Laser Module be Repaired?
- DIO: Repair of Diode Laser Pointers
- DIO: Cleaning Diode Laser Module Optics
- DIO: Damage to Camera Sensor from Laser Pointer?
- DIO: Anatomy of Fiber-Coupled Laser Diodes
- DIO: Opto Power Corporation Fiber-Coupled Laser Diode
- DIO: Opto Power Corporation High Power Fiber-Coupled Laser Diode
- DIO: Spectra-Physics Fiber-Coupled Laser Diode
- DIO: Spectra-Physics High Power Fiber-Coupled Laser Diode Bar
- DIO: Repairing a Shorted FCBar Module - Sort Of
- DIO: Replacment of a Damaged FCBar Fiberoptic Cable
- DIO: Low Power Visible and IR Laser Diodes
- DIO: Low Power Visible Laser Diodes
- DIO: CD player and Other Low Power IR Laser Diodes
- DIO: Example of Laser Printer Diode Laser Module
- DIO: CD Player/CDROM Drive Laser Diode Characteristics
- DIO: Hologram Laser Diodes
- DIO: Determining Characteristics and Testing of Laser Diodes
- DIO: Working with Laser Diodes
- DIO: Determining Characteristics of Laser Diodes Removed From Equipment
- DIO: Testing of Laser Diodes Using a Lab Power Supply
- DIO: Testing of Low Power Laser Diodes
- DIO: Determining the Laser Diode Pinout
- DIO: Powering Up the Laser Diode
- DIO: Measuring Laser Diode Current in Equipment
- DIO: Art's Comments on the Testing of Unidentified Laser Diodes
- DIO: Characteristics of Some Typical Low Power Visible Laser Diodes
- DIO: Testing of Violet Laser Diodes
- DIO: Testing of High Power Laser Diodes
- DIO: Identifying Connections On High Power Packaged Laser Diodes
- DIO: Determining Partial High Power LD Specifications Non-Destructively
- DIO: Determining High Power LD Specifications by Testing to Destruction
- DIO: Estimating Threshold Current of High Power Laser Diodes
- DIO: Characteristics of Some Typical High Power IR Platesetter Laser Diodes
- DIO: Testing of Really High Power Laser Diodes
- DIO: Characteristics of Some Really High Power IR Diode Lasers
- DIO: Methods of Sensing IR
- DIO: IR Detector Circuit
- DIO: Testing of Some Selected Laser Diode and Driver Combinations
- DIO: Testing the Toshiba TOLD9421 with the iC-Haus WJB Driver
- DIO: Testing the NVG D660-5 with the NVG NS102 Driver
- DIO: Testing the NVG D660-5 with the iC-Haus IC-WK Driver
- DIO: Use of Salvaged CD Laser Diodes, Replacement, Substitution
- DIO: Reasons to Leave the CD Laser Diode in the Optical Block
- DIO: Replacing a Laser Diode of Unknown Specifications
- DIO: Substituting One Type of Laser Diode for Another
- DIO: Removing the Cover from a Laser Diode
- DIO: Laser Diode Life, Damage Mechanisms, COD and ASE, Drive, Cooling
- DIO: Laser Diode Life
- DIO: How Can I Tell if My Laser Diode has Been Damaged?
- DIO: How Sensitive are Laser Diodes, Really?
- DIO: Laser Diode Damage Mechanisms
- DIO: Variation in Laser Diode Damage Sensitivity
- DIO: What is ASE of Laser Diodes?
- DIO: Comments on Driving Laser Diodes Without Optical Feedback
- DIO: Frequency Response of Internal Photodiodes
- DIO: Cooling of Laser Diodes
- DIO: Laser Diode Wavelengths, Spectra and Visibility of NIR Laser Diodes
- DIO: Wavelengths of Diode Lasers
- DIO: Spectra of Visible and IR Laser Diodes
- DIO: Visibility of Near-IR (NIR) Laser Diodes
- DIO: Spectral Width Measurements of Diode Lasers
- DIO: How LEDs Compare to Laser Diodes - Wavelengths, Spectrum, Power, Focus, Safety
- DIO: Wavelengths of Common LEDs
- DIO: Spectrum of LEDs
- DIO: Power Output of Common LEDs
- DIO: High Power LEDs
- DIO: Efficiency of LEDs
- DIO: Measuring Efficiency of LEDs
- DIO: Super Bright LEDs Versus Laser Diodes
- DIO: Why Can an LED Not be Focused Like a Laser Diode?
- DIO: Vision Safety Comparison of Laser Diode, LED, and Light Bulb
- DIO: Wavelength Shift of LEDs at High Current
- DIO: Other LED Information
- DIO: Availability of Green, Blue, and Violet Laser Diodes
- DIO: What's All the Fuss About?
- DIO: Comments on Short Wavelength Laser Diodes
- DIO: More Information on Short Wavelength Laser Diodes
Diode Laser Power Supplies
Helium-Neon Lasers
- HEN: HeNe Laser Characteristics, Applications, Safety
- HEN: Introduction to Helium-Neon Lasers
- HEN: Some Applications of a 1 mW Helium-Neon Laser
- HEN: HeNe Laser Safety
- HEN: Comments on HeNe Laser Safety Issues
- HEN: Theory of Operation, Modes, Coherence Length, On-Line Course
- HEN: Instant HeNe Laser Theory
- HEN: Summary of the HeNe Lasing Process
- HEN: Longitudinal Modes of Operation
- HEN: More on Resonator Length and Mode Hopping
- HEN: Longitudinal Mode Pulling
- HEN: Transverse Modes of Operation
- HEN: Multi-Transverse Mode HeNe Lasers
- HEN: Coherence Length of HeNe Lasers
- HEN: What is Mode Locking?
- HEN: HeNe Laser Output Power Variation with Warmup
- HEN: Intensity Stability of HeNe Lasers
- HEN: Frequency Stabilized Single Mode HeNe Lasers
- HEN: On-line Introductions to HeNe Lasers
- HEN: HeNe Laser Tubes, Heads, Structure, Power Requirements, Lifetime
- HEN: Early Versus Modern HeNe Lasers
- HEN: Structure of Internal Mirror HeNe Lasers
- HEN: Gas Fill and Getter
- HEN: Mirrors in Sealed HeNe Tubes
- HEN: Mirror Reflectances for Some Typical HeNe Lasers
- HEN: More About HeNe Dielectric Mirrors
- HEN: Random and Linear Polarized HeNe Tubes
- HEN: More on Mode Cycling in Short HeNe Lasers
- HEN: Polarization of Longitudinal Modes in HeNe Lasers
- HEN: Power Requirements for HeNe Lasers
- HEN: Operating Regions of a HeNe Laser Tube
- HEN: HeNe Tube Dimensions, Drive, and Power Output
- HEN: Largest HeNe Laser?
- HEN: Boosting the Power Output of a HeNe Laser?
- HEN: Bare HeNe Tubes and Laser Heads
- HEN: HeNe Tube Seals and Lifetime
- HEN: An Older HeNe Laser Tube
- HEN: HeNe Lasers using External Mirrors
- HEN: A One-Brewster HeNe Laser Tube
- HEN: Designing a Helium-Neon Laser Tube
- HEN: Wavelengths, Beam Characteristics
- HEN: HeNe Laser Wavelengths
- HEN: Exact Frequency/Wavelength of HeNe Lasers
- HEN: HeNe Laser Beam Characteristics
- HEN: Ghost Beams From HeNe Laser Tubes
- HEN: Getting Other Lasing Wavelengths from Internal Mirror HeNe Laser Tubes
- HEN: Bruce's Notes on Getting Other Lines from Red (633 nm) HeNe Laser Tubes
- HEN: Other Spectral Lines in HeNe Laser Output
- HEN: Magnets in High Power or Precision HeNe Laser Heads
- HEN: Effects of Magnetic Fields on HeNe Laser Operation
- HEN: Typical Magnet Configurations
- HEN: Internal Mirror HeNe Tubes up to 35 mW - Red and Other Colors
- HEN: Typical HeNe Tube Specifications
- HEN: HeNe Tubes of a Different Color
- HEN: Determining HeNe Laser Color from the Appearance of the Mirrors
- HEN: More on Other Color HeNe Lasers
- HEN: Steve's Comments on Superradiance and the 3.39 um HeNe Laser
- HEN: Melles Griot, Spectra-Physics, and Other HeNe Lasers
- HEN: Some Melles Griot HeNe Laser Tubes
- HEN: Melles Griot Red HeNe Laser Tubes
- HEN: Melles Griot Other Color HeNe Laser Tubes
- HEN: Melles Griot Brewster and Zero Degree Window HeNe Tubes
- HEN: Some Siemens/Lasos HeNe Lasers
- HEN: Siemens LGK-7676 HeNe Laser Head
- HEN: Some Spectra-Physics HeNe Lasers
- HEN: Spectra-Physics 120, 124, and 125 HeNe Laser Specifications
- HEN: Spectra-Physics 107B HeNe Laser Specifications
- HEN: Description of the SP-115 Laser Head
- HEN: Description of the SP-117A Laser
- HEN: Description of the SP-120 Laser Head
- HEN: Description of the SP-122 Laser Head
- HEN: Description of the SP-124 Laser Head
- HEN: Description of the SP-125 Laser Head
- HEN: Description of the SP-130 Laser
- HEN: Description of the SP-155 Laser
- HEN: Research Electro-Optics Tunable HeNe Lasers
- HEN: Proposal for High Efficiency Tunable HeNe Laser
- HEN: Coherent Model 200 Single Frequency HeNe Laser
- HEN: Viewing Spectral Lines in Discharge, Other Colors in Output
- HEN: Instant Spectroscope for Viewing Lines in HeNe Discharge
- HEN: Other Color Lines in Red HeNe Laser Output
- HEN: Demonstration HeNe Lasers, Weatherproofing
- HEN: Putting Together a Demonstration HeNe Laser
- HEN: The Ultimate Demonstration HeNe Laser
- HEN: Weatherproofing a HeNe Laser
- HEN: Interesting, Strange, and Unidentified HeNe Lasers
- HEN: When Your Laser Doesn't Fit the Mold
- HEN: Segmented HeNe Tubes
- HEN: Strange High Power HeNe Laser
- HEN: Hewlett-Packard HeNe Lasers
- HEN: Notes on the HP-5501 Two Frequency HeNe Laser
- HEN: Notes on the HP-5517 Two Frequency HeNe Laser
- HEN: A Really Old HeNe Laser
- HEN: The Dual Color Yellow/Orange HeNe Laser Tube
- HEN: The Weird Three-Color PMS HeNe Laser Head
- HEN: The PMS/REO External Resonator Particle Counter HeNe Laser
HeNe Laser Testing, Adjustment, Repair
HeNe Laser Power Supplies
- HPS: Requirements, Types, Choices, Build or Buy, Safety
- HPS: Basic HeNe Laser Power Supply Considerations
- HPS: So Many Choices
- HPS: SAFETY when Dealing with HeNe Laser Power Supplies
- HPS: Adding a Bleeder Resistor to a HeHe Laser Power Supply
- HPS: Construction Alternatives, Organization
- HPS: Constructing Your Own Power Supply
- HPS: Basic HeNe Laser Power Supply Organization
- HPS: RF or Microwave Power Supply for HeNe Laser?
- HPS: Neon Tube Power Supply for HeNe Laser?
- HPS: Using Commercially Available Power Supplies
- HPS: Powering Your HeNe Tube the Easy Way
- HPS: Compatibility Checklist for HeNe Laser Power Supply Bricks
- HPS: Common Color Coding of Power Supply Bricks
- HPS: Sample Color Coding of AC Input Power Supply Bricks
- HPS: Sample Color Coding of DC Input Power Supply Bricks
- HPS: Importance of Fusing Power Supply Bricks
- HPS: Adapters for DC HeNe Laser Power Supply Bricks
- HPS: Examples of the Use of Commercial Power Supply Bricks
- HPS: 1 mW HeNe Laser Powered by 12 VDC, 1 A Wall Adapter
- HPS: 2 mW HeNe Laser Using AC Line Operated Power Supply Brick
- HPS: Lab Style HeNe Laser Power Supply Using Power Supply Brick
- HPS: Initial Testing of HeNe Laser Power Supply Bricks
- HPS: HeNe Laser Power Supplies in Series or Parallel?
- HPS: Boosting the Current of a HeNe Laser Power Supply
- HPS: Reducing the Current of a HeNe Laser Power Supply
- HPS: Using a HeNe Laser Power Supply for Other Applications
- HPS: Ballast Resistors, Function, Selecting
- HPS: What is the Purpose of the Ballast Resistor?
- HPS: Locations of the Ballast Resistance
- HPS: Selecting the Ballast Resistor Using Your HeNe Tube
- HPS: Selecting the Ballast Resistor Using a Dummy Load
- HPS: Determining Characteristics, Fixed Current Considerations
- HPS: Determining the Compliance Range of a Power Supply
- HPS: Fixed Current Power Supply Considerations
- HPS: Power Supply Measurements, Testing, Repair
- HPS: Making Measurements on HeNe Laser Power Supplies
- HPS: Ballast Resistor Selector and Meter Box
- HPS: Testing a HeNe Laser Power Supply
- HPS: HeNe Laser Power Supply Repair
- HPS: Replacing a Regulator Stack with Resistors
HeNe Laser Power Supply Design
Complete HeNe Laser Power Supply Schematics
Argon/Krypton Ion Lasers
- ARG: Introduction, Acknowledgement, Ar/Kr Ion Laser Safety
- ARG: Introduction to Ion Lasers
- ARG: Equipment Using Argon Ion Lasers
- ARG: Mix and Match Ion Laser Components
- ARG: On-line Introductions to Argon Ion Lasers
- ARG: Acknowledgement for Ar/Kr Ion Laser Information
- ARG: Argon/Krypton Ion Laser Safety
- ARG: Additional Comments on Argon/Krypton Ion Laser Safety
- ARG: Basic Characteristics, Other Information Sources
- ARG: Basic Characteristics of 'Small' Argon Ion Lasers
- ARG: Ar/Kr Ion Laser Tube Electrical Characteristics
- ARG: Why Does an Ion Laser Tube use a Heated Cathode?
- ARG: Ion Laser Bore Temperature, Materials, and BeO Warning
- ARG: How Tube Dimensions (and Other Factors) Affect Output Power
- ARG: Photos and Diagrams of Some Air-Cooled Argon Ion Tubes
- ARG: Higher Power Ion Laser
- ARG: Compact Low Power Ion Laser?
- ARG: About Small Air-Cooled Ion Lasers with Huge Power Ratings
- ARG: Other Types of Ion Lasers
- ARG: More Information on Argon/Krypton Ion Lasers
- ARG: Ion Laser System Patents
- ARG: Wavelengths, Spectra, White Light Lasers
- ARG: Argon Ion and Krypton Ion Laser Wavelengths
- ARG: Effects of Optics on Laser Performance
- ARG: Single-Line and Multiline Output
- ARG: More Comments on Argon/Krypton Spectral Lines
- ARG: White Light Lasers
- ARG: Effect of Tube Pressure on White Light Ar/Kr Ion Laser Spectral Balance
- ARG: Ion Laser Dielectric Mirrors
- ARG: Comments on Brewster Window Seals
- ARG: Comparison of Power with Single-Line Versus Multiline Optics
- ARG: Substituting Optics Between Lasers
- ARG: Which Optics to Use on a Large-Frame Ion Laser
- ARG: How to Get 528 nm in an Argon Ion Laser
- ARG: Ion Laser Power Output and Efficiency
- ARG: Expected Output Power from Surplus or Previously Owned Ion Lasers
- ARG: Determining the Power Output of an Ion Laser
- ARG: Efficiency of Argon Ion Lasers
- ARG: On the Abysmal Efficiency of Ion Lasers
- ARG: A Typical Small Air-Cooled Argon Ion Laser - the ALC-60X/Omni-532
- ARG: Description of a Typical Air-Cooled Argon Ion Laser
- ARG: Photos of the Major Components of the ALC Model 60X Laser Head
- ARG: Physical Description of ALC-60X Laser Head
- ARG: Steve's Favorite Questions About the ALC-60X/Omni-532
- ARG: The Intracavity Prism
- ARG: Typical Behavior of Wavelength Tuning Assembly
- ARG: ALC-60X Tube Voltage and Life Expectancy
- ARG: About Those Extra Electrodes on Some ALC-60X Tubes
- ARG: Comparison of Argon and Krypton Ion Tube Characteristics
- ARG: The Larger Omni-543 Laser Head with Omni-16
- ARG: Comments on Omni White-Light Conversion
- ARG: Boosting Air-Cooled Ion Tube Power Using Magnets?
- ARG: Power Limitation of Air-Cooled Tubes
- ARG: Notes on National Laser Corporation 60X Replacement Tubes
- ARG: Comments on Conversion to Single Frequency Operation
- ARG: Typical Small Water-Cooled Argon Ion Lasers - the Lexel Laser Models 75 and 88
- ARG: Description of a Typical Water-Cooled Argon Ion Laser
- ARG: Photos of the Major Components of the Lexel-75 Laser Head
- ARG: Lexel-75 Tube Voltage Versus Current
- ARG: Lexel-88 Tube Voltage Versus Current and Other Information
- ARG: Notes on Availability of These Lasers and Alternatives
- ARG: Comments on Lexel-88 Starting Procedure and Behavior
- ARG: Comments on Regassing Lexel White Light Ar/Kr Ion Lasers
- ARG: Maximizing Tube Life, Plasma Oscillations, Compatibility
- ARG: Tips for Maximizing Ion Laser Tube Life
- ARG: Idle or Shut Down Completely?
- ARG: Plasma Oscillations and Other Instabilities in Ion Lasers
- ARG: Compatibility Issues of ALC-60X and NEC Laser Heads and Power Supplies
- ARG: Powering Ion Laser Tubes that have Wet Anodes<
- ARG: When You Really Want an Ion Laser, Great Deals, and Other Tid-Bits
- ARG: Ross's Quest for an Argon Ion Laser
- ARG: Deal of the Week?
- ARG: A Strange Small Argon Ion Tube
- ARG: Descriptions of Assorted Ar/Kr Ion Lasers (Systems Related)
- ARG: The Really Strange Carson Dual Tube Ion Laser
- ARG: Lexel-95/Dye Laser Hybrid
- ARG: Spectra-Physics-161 Laser - More or Less
- ARG: Spectra-Physics-2010 Laser Head
- ARG: Albion Instruments Anesthesia Analyzer
- ARG: HGM Argon Ion Medical Lasers
Ar/Kr Ion Laser Testing, Maintenance, Repair
- ATR: Introduction, Related Information
- ATR: Ion Laser Tender Loving Care
- ATR: Web-Site with Related Information
- ATR: Tube Life, Effects of Abuse, Failure Modes, Rebuilding
- ATR: Argon/Krypton Ion Laser Tube Life
- ATR: Maximizing Ion Tube Lifetime
- ATR: What Happens if the Tube is Run with Excessive Current (>10 A)?
- ATR: Filament and Discharge Voltages for Some Typical Air-Cooled Ion Lasers
- ATR: Failure Modes of Ar/Kr Ion Tubes
- ATR: Effects of Contamination on Ion Tube Life and Performance
- ATR: Getters in Ion Laser Tubes
- ATR: Notes on Gas Pressure and Effects on Ion Tube Performance
- ATR: More on Ion Laser Tube Cathode Characteristics
- ATR: Comments on Filament Temperature and Thermal Cycling
- ATR: About the High Cost of Refills and Refurbs
- ATR: Ion Tube Rebuilding in Your Basement?
- ATR: Cyonics Tube, Testing, Hard-to-Start Tubes, Tube and Igniter Problems
- ATR: Cyonics Argon Ion Tube
- ATR: Cyonics/Uniphase Mirror Alignment
- ATR: Testing a Small Ar/Kr Ion Tube
- ATR: Preliminary Tests
- ATR: Initial Power Tests
- ATR: The Ultimate in a Bare Bones Test Supply
- ATR: Carl's Notes on Testing an Ion Laser Tube for the First Time
- ATR: High Pressure Tube Versus Power Supply Problems
- ATR: Hard-to-Start Ar/Kr Ion Tubes - Outgassing and Keeping Your Laser Healthy
- ATR: Notes on NEC Argon Ion Tubes
- ATR: More on Oudin Coils
- ATR: Home-built Substitute for Oudin Coil
- ATR: Igniter Problems and Troubleshooting
- ATR: More on Diagnosing "Tick-Tick-Tick" Problems
- ATR: Mike's Omni-543 Revival Saga
- ATR: Any Hope for an Ar/Kr Ion Tube with a Broken or Damaged Filament?
- ATR: Running a High Power Ion Tube in Your Basement
- ATR: Ar/Kr Ion Laser Lasing Problems
- ATR: What Could Prevent an Internal Mirror Tube from Lasing?
- ATR: Laser Beam Varies in Intensity
- ATR: Laser Beam Shifts Position Erratically
- ATR: Tips for Potential Ar/Kr Ion Lasers Enthusiasts
- ATR: Caveat Emptor
- ATR: Argon Laser Anonymous
- ATR: Cleaning of Laser Optics
- ATR: What's the BIG Deal About Cleaning?
- ATR: Make Sure Your Mirrors Aren't Going to Dissolve!
- ATR: Chemicals and Supplies
- ATR: Optics Cleaning Procedure
- ATR: Wet and Wipe Method
- ATR: Drop and Drag Method
- ATR: Links to other Methods
- ATR: Vapor Phase Optics Cleaning
- ATR: External Mirror Laser Cleaning and Alignment Techniques
- ATR: Lasers for Which These Procedures Apply
- ATR: Required Equipment and Other Stuff
- ATR: The Alignment Jig
- ATR: Initial Bore Alignment
- ATR: Cleaning the Optics
- ATR: Aligning the Rear Mirror
- ATR: Aligning the Front Mirror
- ATR: Powering up the Argon - Final Alignment
- ATR: Walking the Mirrors in External Mirror Lasers
- ATR: Peaking a Multi-Line Argon Ion Laser
- ATR: How Laser Manufacturers Align Lasers
- ATR: Caution when Adjusting Large-Frame Lasers
- ATR: Aligning a Coherent I-90 Argon Ion Laser
- ATR: Aligning a Trimedyne 900 Argon Ion Laser
- ATR: Additional Alignment Information
- ATR: Markus's Comments on Argon Laser Alignment
- ATR: Stephen's Tips for Mirror Alignment Without Using an Alignment Laser
- ATR: Multi-line Tuning
- ATR: Disks for Laser Alignment
- ATR: More on Mirror Adjustments
- ATR: Quick Alignment of Large-Frame Lasers on Optical Tables
- ATR: Optical Monitoring to Assist in Mirror Alignment
- ATR: Maintenance, Alignment, and Modifications of the ALC-60X Laser Head
- ATR: ALC-60X Hands-On
- ATR: Initial Inspection When You Get Your First ALC-60X
- ATR: Setup and Testing of a Newly Acquired ALC-60X
- ATR: General Cleaning of the ALC-60X
- ATR: ALC-60X Desiccant Bakeout Procedure
- ATR: ALC-60X Optics Cleaning
- ATR: ALC-60X Mirror Alignment Procedure
- ATR: Step 1: Setting Up the 60X and Alignment Laser
- ATR: Step 2: Centering the Tube
- ATR: Step 3: Aligning the HR-End
- ATR: Step 4: Aligning the OC-End
- ATR: Step 5: Hot Flashes
- ATR: Step 6: Fine Tuning
- ATR: Steve's Comments on Beam Optimization of ALC-60X Lasers
- ATR: Increasing Power Output of ALC-60X Lasers
- ATR: Using an Oudin Coil to Start a 60X Tube
- ATR: Refilling ALC-60X Tubes?
- ATR: Steve's Comments on ALC-60X Cooling, Line Drop Out, and Old or Rebuilt Tubes
- ATR: Maintenance Information on Specific Ion Lasers
- ATR: Notes on the American Laser Model 68 Argon Ion Laser (ALC-68)
- ATR: Spectra-Physics Argon Ion Laser (SP-162) - Discussion
- ATR: Britt Pulsed Argon Ion Laser
- ATR: Description and Comments for Model 3260
- ATR: Frank's Acquisition of a Britt Ion Laser
- ATR: Discussion on Gas Adjustment
- ATR: Comments on Laser Ionics Ion Lasers
- ATR: Omni-543 and Omni-643 Laser Tube Voltage
- ATR: Discussion about Ion Laser Tube Condition and Operation
- ATR: Steve's Search for 752 nm
Ar/Kr Ion Laser Power Supplies
Ar/Kr Ion Laser Power Supply Design
- APD: Power Supply Circuits Intro, AC Line Front-Ends
- APD: Ar/Kr Ion Laser Power Supply Circuits
- APD: Notation used in Ar/Kr Ion Laser Power Supply Diagrams and Schematics
- APD: Single-Phase 115 VAC Front-End
- APD: Single-Phase 230 VAC Front-End
- APD: Three-Phase 240/208 VAC Front-End
- APD: Regulators - Linear, Switchmode, Control
- APD: Ar/Kr Ion Laser Power Supply Regulators
- APD: Series Pass Linear Regulators
- APD: Typical Linear Regulator Circuit
- APD: Linear Regulator Using Only Discrete Components
- APD: Linear Regulator Using IC
- APD: Interfacing to the Line-Connected Circuitry
- APD: Series Pass Switchmode Regulators
- APD: Typical Switchmode Regulator Circuit
- APD: Switchmode Regulator Controller
- APD: Hall-Effect Current Sensor (CS)
- APD: Protecting Pass-Banks from Catastrophic Failures
- APD: Inverter Type Circuit, Example From Microwave Oven
- APD: Basic Inverter Type Power Supply
- APD: High Frequency Inverter Type Microwave Oven HV Power Supplies
- APD: Multiple Loop Controller, Light Feedback, Overcurrent Trip
- APD: Multiple Loop Controller Organization
- APD: Light Control Circuitry
- APD: Overcurrent Shutdown Circuit
- APD: Igniters, Pulse, Bypass, High Current High Voltage Diodes
- APD: Ar/Kr Ion Tube Pulse Type Igniter
- APD: Alternative Starting Circuits for Small Ar/Kr Ion Tubes
- APD: Filament and Low Voltage Supplies, Line Frequency Clock
- APD: Ar/Kr Ion Tube Filament Power Supply
- APD: Low Voltage Power Supplies
- APD: Requirements, Safety, Protection, Switches, Indicators
- APD: Basic Requirements for a Hobbyist Power Supply
- APD: Required Safety/Protection Features
- APD: Typical Interlock Chain Wiring
- APD: Control Logic and Power Switching
- APD: User Switches and Indicators
- APD: Interlock and Thermostat Switches and Indicators
- APD: Component Selection and Construction Considerations
- APD: Ar/Kr Ion Laser Power Supply Component Selection
- APD: Ar/Kr Ion Laser Power Supply Construction Considerations
- APD: Special Parts 1 - Low Ohm Resistors, HV High Current Diodes
- APD: Constructing Low Ohm High Power Resistors
- APD: Construction of HV High Current Blocking Diodes
- APD: Special Parts 2 - Relay Drivers, Indicators
- APD: Relay Drivers
- APD: Driving Relays with AC Coils
- APD: Driving Relays with DC Coils
- APD: 115 VAC Indicators
- APD: Interlock and Protector Indicator
- APD: Visual Capacitor Bleeder Circuit
Complete Ar/Kr Ion Laser Power Supply Schematics
Carbon Dioxide Lasers
Helium-Cadmium Lasers
Solid State Lasers
- SSL: Introduction, Basic Characteristics, Safety, Links to Other Information
- SSL: Introduction to Solid State Lasers
- SSL: Common Types
- SSL: Power Output - Pulsed and CW
- SSL: Efficiency of Solid State Lasers
- SSL: Miniature to Monster
- SSL: Microchip Diode Pumped Solid State Lasers
- SSL: What Ultimately Limits Output from SS Laser
- SSL: Solid State Laser Safety
- SSL: Comments on Surplus Solid State Lasers and Components
- SSL: Other Sources of Information on Solid State Lasers
- SSL: Acknowledgements for SS Laser Information
- SSL: Basic Structure of Solid State Lasers
- SSL: Cavity Components
- SSL: Power Sources
- SSL: The Solid State Lasing Medium
- SSL: Shapes and Sizes
- SSL: Laser Materials - Ruby, Nd:YAG, Nd:YVO4, Nd:Glass
- SSL: Comments on Nd:YAG, Nd:YLF, and Nd:YVO4
- SSL: First Nd:YAG, Now Nd:YVO4, Next Nd:LSB
- SSL: Exact Wavelengths of Vanadate and YAG Lasers
- SSL: Comments on Nd:KGW and NYAB
- SSL: Power Output versus Wavelength for Vanadate and YAG
- SSL: Types of Nd:Glass
- SSL: Manufacture of Synthetic Ruby Crystals
- SSL: Gem Stones from SS Laser Material?
- SSL: Diamond for Solid State Lasers?
- SSL: Ceramic Solid State Lasers
- SSL: Optical Pump Sources
- SSL: Xenon Flashlamps
- SSL: Interpreting Xenon Flashlamp Specifications
- SSL: EG&G 1300 Series Linear Flashlamp Specifications and Links
- SSL: Useful Equations for Flashlamp Selection and PFN Design
- SSL: Comments on Flashlamp Drive Limits and Effects
- SSL: Flashlamp Failure Behavior and Causes
- SSL: About Flashlamp and Arc Lamp Polarity
- SSL: Testing Flashlamps and Arc Lamps
- SSL: Flashlamp and Arc Lamp Manufacturers and References
- SSL: Continuous Arc Discharge lamps
- SSL: High Power Laser Diodes
- SSL: Other Pump Sources
- SSL: Bob's Comments on Halogen Lamp Pumped Lasers
- SSL: Links to Info on Solar Pumped Lasers
- SSL: Resonator Mirrors
- SSL: Mirror Types and Alignment
- SSL: Using Gas Laser Mirrors in a SS Laser?
- SSL: Lasing Without Mirrors
- SSL: Q-Switching
- SSL: What is Q-Switching?
- SSL: Mechanical Q-Switching
- SSL: Electro-Optic and Acousto-Optic Q-Switching
- SSL: Optical/Passive Q-Switching
- SSL: Frequency Changers
- SSL: Frequency Multiplication
- SSL: Monolithic DPSSFD Lasers
- SSL: Selecting Type and Size of SHG Crystal
- SSL: Discussion of the Harmonic Generation Process
- SSL: Phase Matching for Harmonic Generation
- SSL: Phase Matching Acceptance Angle
- SSL: Intra-Cavity Versus External Frequency Multiplication
- SSL: Converting a Medical Laser YAG to SHG Operation
- SSL: Optical Parametric Oscillators
- SSL: SNLO - A Program to Help in Selecting Non-Linear Crystals
- SSL: Non-Linear Optical Effects in Liquids?
- IOI: Non-Linear Crystal Environmental Considerations
- SSL: Diode Pumped Solid State Lasers
- SSL: What are DPSS Lasers?
- SSL: Frequency Multiplication of DPSS Lasers
- SSL: End-Pumping Versus Side Pumping of a DPSS Laser
- SSL: Comments on the Materials in DPSSFD Lasers
- SSL: Why Laser Diodes are Not Frequency Doubled Directly
- SSL: A First Generation Green Laser Pointer
- SSL: Techniques to Improve the Efficiency of a Green DPSS Laser Pointer
- SSL: The Edmund Scientific Model L54-101 Green Laser Pointer
- SSL: Anatomy of an Inexpensive Green Laser Pointer 1
- SSL: Anatomy of an Inexpensive Green Laser Pointer 2
- SSL: Anatomy of a 3 mW Green DPSSFD Laser
- SSL: Failure Analysis of a 3 mW Green DPSSFD Laser Module
- SSL: The Melles Griot 58 GCS Series Green DPSS Laser
- SSL: Steve's Comments on the Quality of Green Laser Pointers and Small DPSSFD Lasers
- SSL: Increasing Output Power of Small DPSSFD Laser
- SSL: What is the Difference Between Green and Blue DPSSFD Lasers?
- SSL: Comments on Quality and Cost of DPSS Lasers
- SSL: DPSS Laser Efficiency
- SSL: Doping Levels of Nd:YAG, Nd:YVO4, and Ruby
- SSL: Pump Polarization Considerations for DPSS Lasers
- SSL: LED Pumped DPSS Laser?
- SSL: DPSS Ruby Laser?
- SSL: Direct Modulation of DPSS Lasers
- SSL: Wavelength Shift of DPSSFD Laser
- SSL: Amplitude Noise in DPSS Lasers
- SSL: Additional Information Related to Solid State Lasers
- SSL: Laser and Optics Crystalline Materials
- SSL: Instant Primer on Crystal Axis Terminology
- SSL: Types of KTP and Growth Methods
- SSL: Pump Range, Output Wavelengths, and Thresholds for Various Materials
- SSL: Color of Common Lasing Crystals
- SSL: Mark's Comments on Ruby Laser Pump Power and Cavity Reflectors
- SSL: Pulsed Ruby Laser Questions and Comments
- SSL: CW Ruby Laser?
- SSL: John's Notes on Er:YAG Lasers
- SSL: What is a Zig-Zag Crystal?
- SSL: Comments on Erbium Lasers
- SSL: Natural Ruby Crystal for Solid State Laser?
- SSL: Choice of Lamp Pumped or Diode Pumped Solid State Laser
- SSL: Thermal Lensing in SS Lasers
- SSL: CO2 Gas Input to SS Laser
- SSL: Thin Disk High Power Solid State Lasers
- SSL: Solid State Fiber Lasers
- SSL: Inheriting a Ti:Sapphire or Similar Laser
- SSL: Micro Laser Rangefinder Using Disposable Flash Pumped Nd:YAG and OPO
- SSL: Florod LCP Laser Trimming System
- SSL: Hughes Rangefinder Ruby Laser Assembly
- SSL: Description and Specifications
- SSL: Notes on the Hughes Q-Switch
- SSL: Comments on the Hughes Ruby Laser
- SSL: Note and Caution About the Resonant OC
- SSL: Increasing Repetition Rate of Hughes Ruby Laser?
- SSL: A Small Nd:YAG Laser - SSY1
- SSL: Description and Specifications
- SSL: Variations in Performance of SSY1s
- SSL: Comments on the SSY1 Nd:YAG Laser
- SSL: Shawn's High Energy Experiments with the SSY1 Laser Head
- SSL: Other High Energy Experiments with the SSY1 Laser Head
- SSL: Microsim Pspice Program for SSY1
- SSL: Frequency Doubling SSY1
- SSL: Other SSY1 Tidbits
- SSL: Mini YAG Laser using SSY1 Optics and SG-SP1
- SSL: Quantronix Model 114F-O/QS Quasi-CW YAG Laser Head
- SSL: Description and Specifications
- SSL: Chris's Comments on the Quantronics Laser
- SSL: Ed's Comments on the Quantronics Laser
- SSL: Coherent Compass-M Green DPSS Lasers
- SSL: General Description of the Compass-M Lasers
- SSL: Quick Comparison of Coherent Compass 532 and Compass-M Lasers
- SSL: Differences Between the C215M, C315M, and C415M
- SSL: Using the Coherent Analog Controller
- SSL: Single Point Failure Mode of the C315M Analog Controller
- SSL: Analog Controller User Interface Signals
- SSL: Compass-M Laser Control Panels
- SSL: Checklist for Powering a Compass-M System
- SSL: Adjusting Maximum Compass-M Laser Head Power
- SSL: Coherent Compass 215M Green DPSS Laser
- SSL: C215M Laser Head Description
- SSL: Analog Controller for the C215M
- SSL: Coherent Compass 315M Green DPSS Laser
- SSL: C315M Laser Head Optical Layout
- SSL: Analog Controller for the C315M
- SSL: C315M Laser Head/Controller Cable Wiring
- SSL: Deciphering the C315M Laser Head Serial Datastream
- SSL: Powering the C315M Laser Head with a Home-Built or Third-Party Controller
- SSL: C315M Laser Head Signals
- SSL: Powering the C315M with a Home-Built
- SSL: Powering the C315M with the Wavelength Electronics WLD-3343 and WHY-5640
- SSL: Powering the C315M with the ILX Lightwave Model LDC-3900
- SSL: Testing the C315M Laser Head for Single Frequency Operation
- SSL: Birefringence or Etalon Effect Used for Mode Selection in C315M?
- SSL: Coherent Compass 415M Green DPSS Laser
- SSL: C415M Laser Head Optical Layout
- SSL: Coherent Compass 532 Green DPSS Laser
- SSL: Basic Description and Specifications of the C532
- SSL: C532 User Interface Signals
- SSL: Details of the C532 Laser Cavity
- SSL: C532 Electronics
- SSL: C532 Power Input Module
- SSL: C532 LD and TEC Drivers
- SSL: C532 Mode Stabilization
- SSL: Powering the C532 Laser Head with a Third-Party or Home-Built Controller
- SSL: Blue Version of the C532?
- SSL: JDS Uniphase SLM uGreen 532 nm DPSS Laser
- SSL: General Description of the uGreen Laser
- SSL: uGreen Controller to 4601 Laser Head Wiring
- SSL: uGreen Controller to 4301 Laser Head Wiring
- SSL: uGreen 4702 Laser Head Wiring
- SSL: uGreen 4601 Operation
- SSL: uGreen 4601 Laser Head Construction
- SSL: uGreen 4617 Laser Head Construction
- SSL: uGreen 4301 Laser Head Construction
- SSL: uGreen 4702 Laser Head Construction
- SSL: Powering the uGreen Laser Head with a Third-Party or Home-Built Controller
- SSL: Powering the uGreen Laser Head With the ILX Lightwave Model LDC-3900
- SSL: Melles Griot High Power DPSS Lasers
- SSL: Melles Griot Dual Beam Blue DPSS Lasers
- SSL: Testing Controllers for Melles Griot High Power DPSS Lasers
- SSL: Pinouts for Melles Griot High Power DPSS Lasers
- SSL: Pinouts for Newer Controllers
- SSL: Pinouts for Older Controllers
- SSL: Pinouts for Older Laser Heads
- SSL: Adjustment of Temperature Setpoints in Melles Griot High Power DPSS Lasers
- SSL: Lightwave Electronics 221 DPSS Laser
- SSL: Basic Description and Safety/Operation Issues of the LWE-221
- SSL: LWE-221 General Specifications
- SSL: LWE-221 Power Unit
- SSL: LWE-221 Hardware Control Panel
- SSL: LWE-221 Operation Using the RS232 Interface
- SSL: LWE-221 Operation Without a Chiller
- SSL: LWE-221 Startup Checklist/Procedure
- SSL: LWE-221 Lasing Experiences and Comments
- SSL: LWE-221 Bugs/Features/Questions/Observations
- SSL: Spectra-Physics ZLM Laser
- SSL: Basic Description and Safety/Operation Issues of the SP-ZLM
- SSL: The SP-ZLM Laser Head
- SSL: Description of the SP-ZLM Laser Head
- SSL: Powering Up the Spectra-Physics ZLM Laser Head
- SSL: Spectra-Physics T40 FCBar Laser Controller
- SSL: Description of the SP-T40
- SSL: Powering up the SP-T40
- SSL: Varo Erbium:Glass Laser Rangefinder
- SSL: Varo Rangefinder Description
- SSL: Pinouts of Varo Power Supply Board
- SSL: Operation of the Varo Laser Rangefinder Laser
- SSL: The Transverse Green DPSS Laser
SS Laser Testing, Adjustment, Repair
SS Laser Power Supplies
Complete SS Laser Power Schematics
Amateur Laser Construction
Vacuum Technology for Home-Built Gas Lasers
The Home-Built Laser Assembly and Power Supply
Home-Built Laser Types, Information, and Links
Home-Built Helium-Neon (HeNe) Laser
Home-Built Pulsed Argon and/or Krypton (Ar/Kr) Ion Laser
Home-Built Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Laser
Home-Built Nitrogen (N2) Laser
Home-Built Helium-Mercury (HeHg) Laser
Home-Built Copper Chloride (CuCl) and Copper Bromide Laser
Home-Built Dye Laser
Home-Built Pulsed Multiple Gas (PMG) Laser
Home-Built Pulsed Solid State (PSS) Laser
Home-Built Diode Pumped Solid State (DPSS) Laser
Go to top of Sam's Laser FAQ Comprehensive
Table of Contents.
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Samuel M. Goldwasser, All Rights Reserved.
I may be contacted via the
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