PS/2 Model 80 (with CORE International ESDI Disk Subsystem)

I have a couple
of different PS/2 Model 80 systems, but this one may be one of the most
unusually equipped. Many PS/2 Model 80 systems feature either IBM ESDI
drives, with later models using an IBM SCSI controller and drives.
This particular
system is a little different. Instead of the original IBM controller
and drives, someone installed two CORE International 700MB ESDI hard
disks and a matching controller. These are the largest (capacity wise)
ESDI hard drives I've ever seen. I have never seen another system
equipped this way, probably due to the expense of the drives and the
fact that faster, smaller and cooler running drives were coming to
market quickly when these drives were on the market.
International was later swallowed up by Aiwa. Yes, that is the same
Aiwa that has made audio equipment for some time. You can read a more
complete version of CORE International's history (and obtain the
supporting files for the Core MCK adapter if you have one) by clicking here.
This particular system is equipped as follows:
80386DX-25 processor with 80387DX Math Co-Processor
1.44 MB Floppy Drive
IBM XGA-2 Video Card
Kingston KTM-16000/386 memory expansion board (16MB total RAM--8 on the planar, and 8 on this card)
STB Systems Dual Serial Port adapter
DOS 6.22 and Windows for Workgroups 3.11 are the operating systems of choice.
To this day, the
CORE International drives still work perfectly. (In this era of ever
quieter hard drives with such fancy things as fluid dynamic bearings,
there is something to be said for the way this system's hard drives let
you know they are spinning up. Not only do you hear the spindle motors
come up, but each drive also emits a very distinct "snap" of a relay
closing somewhere.) I actually use this system pretty regularly to keep
the CMOS battery up and the drives working well.
Of course, a system with big disks also deserves a big monitor. I have an IBM 8507 monochrome
display attached to this system. It is a big beast of a thing with a
19" picture tube size. I'd actually been looking for such a display for
a very long time. I found this one on eBay and it came to me in the
original IBM 8507 box. The 8507 is an "8514 compatible" monitor,
meaning that it will sync up at VGA and 8514 (1024x768 at 43Hz
interlaced vertical scan) modes only. The XGA-2 adapter in the system
runs this monitor well and is much faster than the 8514/A video card
that would normally be used. You can click the picture of the 8507
below to see what it looks like in operation.

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