@E1FF.ADF - IBM 3270 Connection Version B (Short Cad)
ADF Sections

J1 Coax port
U5-7 D41464-12
U9 6407289ESD
U12 16F0291
Y1 23.587 MHz osc

AdapterId E1FF  The IBM 3270 Connection Version B

Resources Used
   The First, Second, Third and Fourth choices are available to allow up to four adapters in the machine or to resolve conflicts with other adapters.  First is the default and matches the original adapter's configuration. 
      <"First" (02D0h - 02DFh)>, Second (06D0h - 06DFh), Third (0AD0h - 0ADFh), Fourth (0ED0h - 0EDFh)

Memory Assignments
     CE00 is the default and matches the original adapter's configuration.
         <"CE00" (CE00-CFFF)>, CA00 (CA00-CBFFF), CC00 (CC00- CDFF), D000 (D000-D1FF), D200 (D200-D3FF), D400 (D400-D5FF), D600 (D600-D7FF), D800 (D800-D9FF), DA00 (DA00-DBFF), DC00 (DC00-DDFF), DE00 (DE00-DFFF)

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